1. Age?-12
2. Location (Australia and NZ only)?-Australia
3. Why do you want to join [sA] Friend is the host and I love FPS games
4. How long have you been playing Urban Terror?- Few months
5. Favourite gear setup?-That vest fingy.
6. Favourite map/maps?-Turnpike
7. Were you asked to join, if so by who?-1ntense
8. Aliases?/In game names?-[FPS]Fatalized
9. Previous Clans?-
10. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so why- Nah
11. Msn?-
livingmuzik@hotmail.com12. How much do you play Urban Terror a Week?-
13. What server/servers do you play on? Where ever i'm asked to.